

Pacifictech's AP Automation for Sage Intacct empowers companies to process supplier invoices with minimal human intervention, effectively managing tasks that were traditionally handled by AP staff. This solution not only fosters a paperless environment but also delivers significant cost savings.

Pacifictech's solution is designed with flexibility in mind, offering three distinct functionalities that customers can leverage individually or in combination to meet specific needs. These separate functionalities provide comprehensive options, ensuring that customers can easily access and benefit from the features that matter most to them. 

• Pacifictech Data Capture & Ingestion (OCR)
• Pacifictech Approvals
• Pacifictech Procurement

By automating routine processes, Pacifictech's AP Automation enables AP staff to focus on more productive and value-added activities, contributing to increased efficiency within the organization.

Pacifictech eInvoice (PEPPOL) is included in the functionality

eInvoicing is the direct exchange of invoices between suppliers’ and customers’ financial systems. Suppliers can send an eInvoice directly to their customer’s financial system through a digital ‘mail’ service. The PEPPOL international standards allows systems to ‘speak’ to each other, even if the two businesses are using different ERP systems.

An eInvoice is a structured document or data file and is built with each piece of information located in a specific position with a specific meaning.

The eInvoice contains all the elements of a normal invoice (invoice date, invoice number, tax number, invoices lines, totals), but it is created & delivered in a format that is designed to be interpreted by software rather than read by people.

Pacifictech’s eInvoicing (receiving) is tightly integrated and automagically ingests the e- invoice data file in the DPS console as part of the AP Automation functionality.

Pacifictech has engaged an Access Point Partner for the PEPPOL component - which means that there are no additional requirements (or costs).

Pacifictech PunchOut - Web Procurement Catalog

A punchout catalog is a catalog that resides on a supplier’s e-commerce site but is viewable by customers who are using their own company’s procurement applications to make purchases – in this case Pacifictech’s AP Automation.

The technology used redirects buyers from their procurement app to the supplier’s website. From the supplier’s site, customers can search for, compare, and select what they want to buy before returning their shopping cart items to PW-Web for approval and creation of the purchase order.

With the PunchOut, you can customize shopping experiences for staff to view the supplier’s latest catalogs in real-time.

The PunchOut benefits allow buyers to:
• Easily view products and services with pricing (which can be pre-negotiated)
• Process simplified shopping from within PW-Web so you can place orders faster
• Control the product information each user / location sees, such as pricing, inventory, and branding
• Enable your staff to place orders quickly and efficiently

Our AP Automation is available with a range of offerings to suit all your needs. From small business to enterprise customers, we have a range of options aligned to match your monthly invoice volumes.


100 Maximum Users (named)
Workflow Engine
Automated Data Extraction (OCR)
Web Approvals


150 Maximum Users (named)
Workflow Engine
Automated Data Extraction (OCR)
Web Approvals


200 Maximum Users (named)
Workflow Engine
Automated Data Extraction (OCR)
Web Approvals

Main Features

  • Data Captured & Ingested within 5 minutes.
  • Flexible - allows for necessary amendments prior to submitting the invoice to the approval workflow.
  • Seamless integration includes support for transactions coming through at either top level/entity level.
  • The vendor settings from Sage Intacct AP for taxes and default GL codes are utilized by DPS.

System Requirements

Intacct Subscription
Reliable Internet

The Pacifictech Web Service must be accessible to the Pacifictech Web Infrastructure via the Internet.

A document covering security information is available upon request.

Connectivity Browser Support:
All modern browsers

Contact us to find out which AP Automation bundle will best suits your needs to save you time and money.

Company Name *
Contact Name *
Email Address *
Number of invoices per month
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I consent to the use of my personal information in accordance with the Pacifictech privacy terms